The story begins...
Yo man, I think you are correct: this song is relevant to many NG users. Great work on this exercise, its impressive. Keep at it, peace dude
The story begins...
Yo man, I think you are correct: this song is relevant to many NG users. Great work on this exercise, its impressive. Keep at it, peace dude
Muchas gracias senor!
Hellz ya!
Great choice for an accapella man, Linx sounds wicked on this beat... which brings me to the beat, its simply great. It's simple but it changes up enough to show your ownage of beat making. This drum sounds like a pro beat (mainstream if I dare say so, but in a good way). Great work dude
haha, I will not take offense to mainstream drums :D Thanks for the review man
Personally I like the original better, I have it on my Ipod, I listen to it everytime I wanna get fired up, I get adrenaline rushes from it. In this one, I thought the variations throughout interrupted the flow of it. I like the intro , the strings are smooth and create a mood and add to the rising tension of the track.
I got 1 question: Wasn't the original called "This New Style"?
All in all, nice work on the remake, it sounds alright, but the original was just so powerful, it would've been difficult to improve upon it.
Yeah it is called that but I change shit all the time lol
Thanks though man :D
You hit em with a variety of vocal talents. This tracks got nice melodic range in it. For a diss track, this is actually a decent song. Usually diss tracks are bland and unoriginal, but this one's kind of creative. I like the line "You say the same shit like a skipping CD". The beat stops work to perfection. Nice work on this one.
P.S. Dissing the dead is an act of desperation. Sorry to hear about your daddy.
peace man
i refer to him as a amazing father the world lost a great man but thx for a really good review man stay up and ill return the review tomorrow bro take care
Dre's is Still better
You got something interesting hear. I like the melody you got in there, it sounds like techno electric guitar. I think the claps are too over powering. The drums need some work, they are too simple, it sounds like all you got is the clap for a drum line. Basically this remix is too simple. its just a loop with Dr.Dre's and Snoop's accapella over it. I've heard the original many times, the lyrics arent going to be new, but I was expecting alterations and variations to your beat as the song progressed. I know the original beat is repetitive, but if you're going to remix it, you gotta add some jazz to the beat. I like the breakdown/fade you did at the end. Keep at it man, peace
thanks for the review, yeah i'll use this for help on my remix
Hella yah!
This track is different, in a good way. The beat has an essence of turmoil and anarchy, the title is appropriate. The rapping is well done, sometimes when your flowing fast it was difficult to make out a few words, but the quick delivery you got sounds great, it just needs a lil more refining. Great work on man, peace
Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully I will be able to buy some gear soon and I will repost asap.
Not bad...
I think this is alright for a couple minutes of work. The effect on the hook is interesting, I like it at the end when it fades and gets distorted. Dope jam bro, keep at it. peace
lol the very end I only added cuz i was short a few seconds on soundclick to have this on the charts. I agree this is nice 4 a few mins o work, I personally like the way it turned out=D
F*ckin rights!
I remember when I downloaded a Japanese rom of Pokemon gold, great memories trying to decipher the kanji. As for the music, its not too bad. Good times.
Holy sh1t
For your first recording this is amazing. TrippedOUTson doesnt know whats he's talking about. Your voice sounds smooth and its pleasant to listen to. You need to develop your writing skills a little bit more. Keep workin on this man, you got something here.
Its what I do for fun.
Student of Life
The Chair
Joined on 8/22/08