Check it. And get involved!
Week long Contests:
Sample Battle
Producers will be given a sample package and must construct a song from it within a week.
NG Sample Battle
Producers can dig the vast crates of NG tunes and sample anything they like. A drumbeat might be supplied, but other than that Everything has to come from NG!
The Copyright Free Battle
Producers must submit a song with NO samples. NO SAMPLES YO! Samplers will be shot! I was thinking of allowing only sampled VSTs only they are declared?
Time Trials
Producers and MC teams will be given the theme for a song and the first and last lines. Working together they must construct a piece of hip hop gold!
MC Knockout
Using NG beats a round robin of MCs will be set up. Each day several MCs will battle over NG tracks in a knockout competition. The winner moves on, the loser whimpers in defeat. The first MC will record 16 bars and then the second MC will be given a chance to respond with their own 16 bars. In the finals MCs will each get to rap twice on each beat, allowing for more devastating shenanigans. MCs who want to participate need to sign up now!
Battle for Newgrounds
Newgrounds has several hip hop crews. It's time to drop the formality and see who really holds the nuts of this website. All groups may enter only one submission, and this song should serve as an anthem for the crew. Additional points will be given for successful collaboration with all members of the crew. Start working on this track now! Also, please sign the crew in this thread. I, to begin, sign KOA up for the Battle for Newgrounds.
Art Contest
Submit your hip hop related art! Graffiti is more than welcome!
Mick did you get your votes in? Dont forget we got 2 more to new ones today also.
thanks for the reminder man, I was in the hospital the last week so Im a bit behind on this..